Tuesday 1 December 2020

Debugging MQTT

I have the Raspberry Pi working with Communications from MQTT-Dash on my tablet. Now I am trying to understand it better in order to get my Wemos D1 application communicating with the R-Pi. 

The Raspberry Pi has my software which is a 'subscriber' and the 'broker' is Mosquitto' on the Pi, and I  also have Paco-MQTT on the R-Pi. MQTT-Dash is the 'publisher'.

I am using this on the R-Pi to observe the traffic received my Mosquitto:

mosquitto_sub -h -v -t "rc-car-pwm/#"   

Subscriber configuration:
broker_address= ""
port = 1883
user = "rc-car-11"
password = "carr0t"
# Create client --?? Is this the same as User?
client = mqtt.Client(client_id="rc-car-11")
# Connect to broker
# Subscriber to topic
Broker Configuration:
Can't find any except default.

Publisher Configuration: (MQTT-Dash)
Name: rc-car-pwm
username = rc-car-11  + Password
Client ID: rc-car-11c
and each button press sends one of the following: forward, slow, stop,motorleft, motorright, backwards
and the message payload that the subscriber gets is b'forward' etc.
whereas the monitor  command above sees:
forward,slow, etc. 

The Wemos configuration is at current:

const char* ssid = "rc-car";                     // Wifi SSID
const char* pswd = "Ashmeads";            // WiFi Password
const char* mqtt_server = "";
const char* topic = "rc-car-11";    // this is the [root topic]
and this last I think has to change to 'rc-car-pwm'  because I had to put rc-car-11 into the monitor command above to see anything. 

Next step is to modify the Wemos software to send one of the words to the R-Pi and see what I get. 

The lines with just 'forward' or 'stop' or 'motorleft' are from MQTT-Dash,
the others are from the Wemos App.  When I remove that stuff in the Wemos app, it gives errors on compile. 

The line in the Wemos app that works is 
    client.publish( (char*) pubTopic.c_str() , (char*) payload.c_str(), true );
where pubTopic = topic  , which transmits 'rc-car-pwm' and the payload is 'forward' 

Sorted, now just a simple bit of programming to push the buttons and set the desired payload. And reduce the delay.

And, back to 


adding debug statements to try and find out what is happening, but I can't find the logfile it is supposed to create.

3/2/2021  I found two Python test  programs on-line, and copied in my program, and both found the same error.

https://extendsclass.com/python.html           and

But the program still didn't run.
There was more than one error. Now running

Help in using Logging: 

setting to use time, and to send data in the log message:

#logging.basicConfig(filename='temp.log', level=logging.INFO, 
      #format='%(asctime)s: %(message)s')
logging.info('temp: ' + str(temp) + '  |||  hum: ' + str(hum))

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