Saturday 14 September 2019

Build your own Electric car

If I wanted to build my own car, real not toy,  where would I start?
What components would I need? I would probably like to start with an old mini, because it is small and light.

Recently I have seen this  new motor design:

But in the past I saw a mini with individual motors in each wheel which I liked.
It might have used these:

You need power for the motors, and a power control system,. You also need all sorts of computers to feed information to the driver, look after safety details, and react to the driver to perform operations on the car, such as signalling. Do these computers need a seperate power source?

As with anything you also need a braking system.

More thoughts to be posted as they arrive, and then I'll sort them and rewrite this.

Other people have already done this:

25/10/2019 On BBC. It mentions Protean (above)

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