Friday 30 March 2018

RC-CAr with Cayenne IOT Program.

Starting from Raspian Jessie with fixed IP address.

In my folders this is Robot-6-Cayenne

First problem: It needs an app on a tablet. Have that.

It didn't work at first. I went in and deleted the /etc/webiopi/config file from the initial webIOPi configuration and then it connected.

Cayenne is NOT going to work  with my setup as is because 3 GPIO  pins are labelled as SPI pins and cannot be changed to I/O pins so I cannot control my left/right turning.   These are GPIO 9,10 and 11.

I am still not certain that I could have had it working without Internet access.

I need to find out how to delete Cayenne so that I can use the R-Pi for another technique without having to flash it all again and start from scratch.

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