Thursday, 23 June 2016

Voting Day- Brexit response to Facebook Post

This morning I was upset to see a proud post from my distant cousin that the labour party had given her to post, saying that she had voted to Remain. I was tempted to respond, but didn't. My response would have been:

1. This shows how the British educational system has gone wrong. These students have no idea of the History that has gone into making Great Britain what it is. It must be socialist teachers (Guardian readers) teaching of how we have benevolent  leaders in Brussels.

2. You believed Cameron's lies?

3. You are happy to be a slave to unelected leaders in a foreign country. This sounds like Totalitarianism.

4. You obviously believe that the graph showing GB's contributions to the EU has peaked, whereas everybody else thinks that the EU will demand more and more until they drive GB into poverty.

Friday after the vote:                        Charles Moore.

I need to keep a link to this. it is a most powerful video about what the EU thinks is the future of England - see about 19 minutes.

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