Monday, 2 August 2010

Timmy Harris

It's the kind of thing that every parent will hate. Just over two weeks ago I got a message from an old friend from university who is holidaying in Europe, to say that his son had been in an accident. Timmy is 22, had just finished 5 years of an engineering degree, and had fallen 6 metres from some scaffolding. Since then we have been getting updates on Timmy's condition from Gordy, and from Timmy's sister. Gordy has returned to Canada and is now in Victoria. Timmy has been kept in a coma and we wait everyday. Our prayers are with the family.

It once again shows how young men think they are superhuman and invulnerable, and in many cases they will get away with it. Alcohol was involved as this was after a university sponsored pub crawl.

I hope that nothing like this ever happens in my family. I feel worried enough about Gordy and his family. His daughter was at the bedside for most of the time as far as I know. What a thing for a young girl to go through.

We were looking forward to seeing Gordy again, but that is so trivial. Now we hope that Timmy recovers, and this keeps me awake at night.

Our prayers are with you all.

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