First off, I don't have a boat.
Then I have done servo steering on RC-car-2 even if it is by Flask and web interface. And the servo was a step move and return after a short time.
Things that I need to know about are how to do incremental movements of a servo AND of the throttle at the same time using MQTT. There is an app called Linear MQTT that I should look at.
I also need to know how to pass a value across from the Publisher to the Subscriber and act on it in the incremental mode, rather than having a different subroutine for every value.
If I was to use a publisher other than one on my Android tablet, It couldn't use a Raspberry Pi, because that does not have an incremental input, whereas the Arduino Uno has an analog input.
15/Feb/2021 I have been building a boat by hot-glue sticking panels of plastic left over from my cutting up a 'square' gutter. It floats. I have a motor from an old RC car. It is a PEAK Motor and looks like the standard Brushed 27T motor described at I don't know yet whether it will run driven by PWM or not. That's a test for tomorrow.
I have a HW-95 driver board. I have used my 3D printer to print a propeller and also a case for a 18650 Battery (ex Laptop Battery pack).
I have a servo to use for the rudder. Car-2 was servo steered and it looks like it used MicroSD Memory card #4. I shall have to use that to test. It might not need much modification for the servo movement. I can take that over as Car-2 has been disposed of.
Using the software for RC_Car-11-MQTT I have discovered that this small motor will run at varying speeds using PWM.
Next Iteration is to use this same software to have PWM Steering as well as motor control I think.
And while I am about it, change the Wemos software to transmit PWM Percentages, so that I can use the Pot on the controller to adjust the steering.