UKIP Proposals
Reduce foreign aid
budget by at least 1% of GDP, and apply this to the armed forces. Most people
will like the first and Obama will certainly like the second. Make
the army responsible for supplying foreign aid. This means that we
have not really reduced foreign aid, we are just supplying it in the
form of personnel and skills. How do we get the skills? The army
opens up training centres and universities and gives apprenticeships
to the young. That helps the unemployment situation. Most people will like that.
If you build up medical training facilities, then you can train nurses who can help with foreign aid, or if they leave, go into the public service. Then we do not need to import so many nurses. Most people will like that.
If the army trains teachers, they could then leave and go into the public sector after doing some foreign aid. Personally I think that many schools could do with a bit of military ethos in educating the young.
The army is becoming ever more high-tech, especially in the need for counter-espionage and cyber warfare. Training of people in these disciplines would help keep Britain in the lead of high technology development. Another winner.
If you build up medical training facilities, then you can train nurses who can help with foreign aid, or if they leave, go into the public service. Then we do not need to import so many nurses. Most people will like that.
If the army trains teachers, they could then leave and go into the public sector after doing some foreign aid. Personally I think that many schools could do with a bit of military ethos in educating the young.
The army is becoming ever more high-tech, especially in the need for counter-espionage and cyber warfare. Training of people in these disciplines would help keep Britain in the lead of high technology development. Another winner.
So overall, I have
redirected the foreign aid budget to help build Britain, with no
reduction in actual foreign aid, just a reduction in the number of Mercedes being bought by despots.