Sunday, 22 April 2012

Bicycle Crank Length: Bicycle Crank Length: Does it Matter?

Bicycle Crank Length: Bicycle Crank Length: Does it Matter?

The one consideration not mentioned in this post, is that the longer the crank length, the closer the crank will be to the ground as the rider leans into a corner. The outer edges of my pedals are worn due to this. If I had longer cranks I would not be able to turn as sharply.

Therefore when you consider the best length for the cranks for a cyclist of a given height, maybe the  bottom end should be higher  for a longer crank, thus changing the geometry of the whole bicycle. If the bottom end is higher, then the top  of the travel of the pedals will be higher also, but by the amount higher the bottom bracket is plus the extra length of the crank.

Now we have to consider at what angle of teh knee the cyslist can give the optimum force to the pedal.

At this point I will leave it all to the author of the original post.



So, I have just turned 66. I hope to live to 90, so that gives me another 24 years.
24 years  at 365 days/year at 24 hours/day gives me 210,240 hours left to live.

But I expect to sleep for 8 hours a night (I hope) so that reduces my available lifetime by
8 x 365 x24 = 70,080 hours.

 Equals about 140,000 hours left to live.

I had better get on with it.